Thursday, 20 May 2010

Blog & Facebook Giveaway!

So it has been a while since I did a Giveaway on my Blog, so in order to alleviate my guilt of being a bad blogger I decided to do a big one!  Having a stock take the other day I realised that I have a number of tote bags left over from when I first began my bag making.  So here they are I am offering 4 bags up for grabs,

They will be all yours, all you have to do, yes you didn't think I was going to offer freebies and not ask anything in return did you?  So anyway here are my requests,

1) Follow & Leave a comment on my blog about which bag you would prefer
2) 'Like' & Leave a comment on my Facebook Fan Page stating which bag you would like

So thats it!  If you are really nice you could tweet my giveaway or give me a shout out of Facebook.  On Sunday 30th May at 5 p.m. I will choose the winners and after receiving contact details the bags will be winging their way off to their new homes.  The giveaway is open to all my international readers, so Good Luck!

Details of the bags are:

1) 11 x 13" handles 26 x 1 1/2" orange canvas with lace detail and beige kanzashi brooch
2) 11 x 13" handles 26 x 1/2" blue canvas with purple ribbon detail
3) 11 x 13"  handles 21 x 1" pinstripe material with kanzashi brooch
4) 14 x 13"  handles 28 x 2" pinstripe material with lace detail

All bags are big enough to fit an A4 ring binder so would be perfect for work or college.


Eclectic Creations said...

Hi! What a lovely giveaway! : ) I loooove number 3 best it's extremely pretty! Im off to your facebook page now hehe! xx

Nithria said...

Fantastic bags. Checked out you facebook paged and shared you on twitter and facebook. Great stuff. I like bag number 3. xx Wenona

Unknown said...

I love bags! My fave being #4. I think I am already a fan but just going to check! xx

OddSox aka Thesockgarden said...

The beautiful bright sunshine orange one please! I'm off to Twitter you now :)

Deelights said...

Gorgeous bags, number 4 is my favourite.

Shpangle said...

Think the red one is more my colour! Great giveaway! Off to seek out your FB now.


Hannelore said...

I love the orange one, it's so summery. What a lovely idea, a give away, I may do something on my blog soon.

Amy said...

Oh I like them all! I dont mind which one I would get if I won, I guess no. 4, but how do you choose???
will go tweet it
amyorangejuice x

zoev1975 said...

I love Number 4 - absolutely gorgeous. I would look super dooper efficient if I used that for work!!!! Zoe xx

Unknown said...

I love bag number 3-infact I already hearted it in your folksy shop! Just become a follower, off to join your facebook fanpage! Love your creation!

Marie said...

This is a lovely giveaway Elissa. I think it's the orange one for me though! Marie x

Anthea said...

I like them all but I think no 3 is the one for me! I can see all my travelling sewing kit in there already... :)

Glamglass said...

I like them all!! But number 4 is my Fave!! :-)))

Blue Button Bride said...

I love the pinstripe with lace one. Gorgeous bags.

Anonymous said...

i love numeber 3 bag its really pretty and unique x

Pirate Treasures Jewellery said...

The pinstripe ones are my favourites - very stylish!

Sugarmice said...

They are all lovely, but number two is my favorite as it's such a pretty colour!

Clare'sCreations said...

Fantastic giveaway! I would love bag 1, it is lovely x

Dottie said...

What a fab giveaway! I love them all but the orange is my favourite
Dottie x

Marie-Andrée said...

Number 1 & number 3 are my favorite. they are opposite by the color but they are so cute.
thank you

Unknown said...

I know I am a bit late but been very busy having a birthday.... would love the red or is it orange bag No. 1 and the reason, as you know I love anything bright and being a spring baby bright is my middle name. Love all you bags.
Happy weekend.
Beverley x

Unknown said...

Hi Elissa

Number 1 and 3 are my type of bags, keep up the good work!
Myra xx

Danielle said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

My favourite bags are #1 & 3!

cheryl7003 said...

loving bags 3 and 4!!!

made with love said...

Gorgeous, I like number 3 best.
Have a great day,
Rachael xx

Anonymous said...

Ooooo it's number 3 for me.

traibabes said...

They are all so lovely, but if I've gotta choose I'm going with #4!

tRaCeY :)

Quietly Otaku said...

Nice bags I think I like number 4 the best!

Crafter-holic said...

Thanks for the generous giveaway!
I would pick number 2 - I love that mix of colours :-)

El at Tantalizing Stitches said...

hello! I Just posted my favs on your fb but I'll repost here.
#1: 1 - orange with the beautiful flower

#2: 3- pleated bag with beautiful ribbon on top.

The Sewing Directory said...

My favourite is number 3, the pinstripe with the lace details :-)

Elissa - said...

The Giveaway has now closed. Big thanks to everyone who has entered. I will be announcing the winner tomorrow and contacting them for address details. Elissa